Terms and conditions

The purpose of the present Terms and Conditions (as T&Cs) (last edition April 14, 2023) is to provide a legal framework for the terms and conditions under which JConsulteo SARL, as the "PUBLISHER", makes the site, game and services available, and to define the terms and conditions under which users, as the "USER", may access and use the services of the Empire Immo (https://www.empireimmo.com) site and game, as the "GAME".

The present T&Cs are accessible on the GAME under the heading "Terms".

Any registration or use of the GAME implies the USER's acceptance of these T&Cs without any reservation or restriction. These T&Cs apply to each connection. When registering for the GAME via the registration form, the USER expressly accepts these T&Cs by checking the box preceding the following text: "I accept the T&Cs and the privacy policy". In case of non-acceptance of the T&Cs stipulated in this contract, the USER must renounce access to the services offered by the GAME.

The PUBLISHER reserves the right to modify unilaterally and at any time the contents of the present T&Cs. The USER will be then notified by an e-mail sent to the address that the USER will have submitted. After having read them, the USER who continues to use the GAME is a USER accepting the T&Cs.

ARTICLE 1 : Access to the site

The GAME allows the USER free access to the following services: real estate management game. The GAME is accessible free of charge at any location to any USER with Internet access. All costs incurred by the USER to access the service (computer hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are at his expense.

The GAME is accessible in any place, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day except in case of force majeure, interruption programmed or not and being able to result from a necessity of maintenance. In case of modification, interruption or suspension of the GAME, the PUBLISHER could not be held responsible.

The PUBLISHER can modify the features of the GAME at any time without warning the USER but guaranteeing a continuity of the GAME, so that the USER does not have to start from scratch.

The non-member USER does not have access to the reserved services. To do so, they must register by filling out the form. By registering, the member USER agrees to provide accurate contact information, including email address. In order to access the GAME, the USER member must then identify himself/herself with his/her login (nickname) and password that he/she will have communicated during his/her registration.

The responsibility of the GAME and the PUBLISHER is not committed in case of event due to a case of absolute necessity having for consequence a dysfunction of the GAME and subject to any interruption or modification in case of maintenance. In these cases, the USER agrees not to hold accountable to the PUBLISHER of an interruption or a suspension of the GAME, even without notice. The USER has the possibility of contacting the GAME by electronic messaging to the address email of communicated in the legal mentions.

Registration to the GAME is only authorized if the USER is of age or if his legal guardian has approved his registration. If the USER is a minor, he/she must ensure that he/she has obtained the consent of his/her legal representative. The GAME reserves the right to request written proof of this and to proceed with verifications if necessary. A minor USER who is unable to provide this justification within 15 days will be excluded from the GAME and will lose all benefits and purchases.

The purpose of the GAME is to provide entertainment to end consumers. It is prohibited to use the GAME for commercial or illegal purposes without prior contractual agreement with the PUBLISHER.

ARTICLE 2: Purpose of the contract

The service offered by the GAME provides the USER with a virtual world that will simulate transactions and payments. This virtual currency (symbolized by Ø) does not constitute real money, but is an element of the game in its own right. It is expressly forbidden to trade or exchange virtual money for real money. The PUBLISHER declares expressly never to proceed to an exchange of virtual money against real money.

The USER acknowledges that he/she is aware that the virtual goods are neither "objects" in their own right, nor the property of anyone else. It is in fact only a game element linked to his account. When the USER buys a virtual good, he/she does not become its "owner".

Upon validation of the registration, the GAME service becomes accessible. The USER thus has access to a free version of the GAME. The USER has the possibility to subscribe or not to options or additional modules via the acquisition and use of "GOLD". For more information, please refer to the GSC below.

The GAME has the right to block users' access in order to preserve the integrity of the infrastructure, services, software or data of the GAME. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to refuse any registration.

ARTICLE 3 : Registration and account

Participation and use of the GAME requires prior registration on one of the proposed worlds. It is necessary to create an account on one of the worlds in order to access the game.

To register on a world, the USER must fill in the registration form by providing various data. In order to register, the USER must fill in all the fields of the form. All data must be accurate.

Registration in the GAME implies acceptance of the GAME's T&Cs and GAME's GSC.

The receipt of the registration request on the GAME is automatically confirmed by e-mail to the e-mail address indicated by the USER. The USER may register and open only one account per world (multi-accounts on the same world are prohibited). It is not allowed to create an account for the purpose of granting benefits to other accounts. The GAME indicates that any breach of the ban on multi-accounts is liable to block access to the account with immediate effect.

It is forbidden to create an account with the aim of misleading other users by impersonating others and more particularly by impersonating a member of the GAME team or the PUBLISHER or to use your account for advertising.


The USER member on the GAME is free to access the PUBLISHER's GAME via the URL: https://www.empireimmo.com and the "Login" button.

The USER accesses the GAME exclusively by means of an Internet browser or by means of authorized software and applications made available to the USER by the PUBLISHER. It is forbidden to use software whose purpose is to systematically or automatically control all or part of the GAME and its functionalities (bots, macros), or to reproduce the GAME, its elements or content. This also applies to programs (software, scripts, bots) that could generate an overactive load linked to user traffic on servers. In addition, anonymization tools are strongly deconsolidated and will be considered chargeable in the event of suspicion of multi-accounts.

ARTICLE 5 : Obligations

There is an obligation in the validity and completeness of the data provided by the USER in the context of the creation or continuation of the synallagmatic contractual relationship between the PUBLISHER and the USER. The PUBLISHER shall be entitled to freeze or deactivate all or part of the contractual services as well as all supplies immediately and without concession of time, and also to terminate the contract.

The PUBLISHER publishes on the GAME the rules of the game. The USER acknowledges that he/she is aware that by entering a world offered by the GAME, he/she is playing with many other users, and that he/she is also communicating via services with various other users. In order to promote the success of the community game, compliance with the rules is necessary.

By participating in the GAME, the USER approves and confirms his acceptance of the rules that bind him. The USER must also refrain from anything that could hinder the activity of the GAME and the success of the community.

The USER is also obliged not to disclose any content (e.g. images, videos, links, names or words) that is advertising, political, religious, offensive, abusive, violent, sexist, pornographic or any other morally offensive or condemnable content, in particular racist content, concerning persons or descriptions of the aforementioned. Furthermore, the USER undertakes not to use any terms, names, images, videos, music, games or any other property protected by law. In case of doubt, the USER will have to remove without delay the concerned content. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to remove it himself.

A violation of the above-mentioned obligations entitles the PUBLISHER - in view of the breach of these obligations - to delete the information which would appear to be unsuitable or to prevent corresponding transactions. The PUBLISHER is especially entitled to do so, if concrete evidence of an infringement against these GTC or against the rules of the game is brought to light.

Furthermore, the PUBLISHER is entitled to exclude the USER permanently from the GAME and after warning and recurrence to terminate his account without delay. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to make future claims, in particular claims for damages.

ARTICLE 6 : Publication by users

The GAME allows the USER to publish the following content: forums, comments, articles, private messages, chat.

In its publications, the USER undertakes to respect the rules of Netiquette (rules of good conduct on the Internet) and the rules of law in force. The GAME may exercise moderation on the publications and reserves the right to refuse to put them online, without having to justify this to the USER.

Any content posted by the USER is his sole responsibility. The USER undertakes not to put online any content that may harm the interests of third parties. Any legal action taken by an injured third party against the GAME shall be borne by the USER. The content of the USER can be at any time and for any reason removed or modified by the GAME and the PUBLISHER, without notice.

The USER agrees that the GAME consults all the publications sent by the means of communication proposed by the GAME during the duration of the game in order to verify the respect of these GTUs. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to preserve the recordings of the exchanges carried out on the GAME for later examination as well as to preserve and use the IP addresses of the users for later identification under request of a judicial authority, police force, or any authority authorized by the law.

ARTICLE 7 : Unsubscribe

A USER who is a regularly registered member may request to unsubscribe by going to the "account options" page. This will be effective within less than 14 days. In this case, no refund will be made and the USER will not be entitled to any compensation of any kind.

If the USER does not log in to the GAME for 30 consecutive days, his or her account will become inactive and will be excluded from the various processes of the GAME. After a period of 6 consecutive months without logging in, the USER's account may be permanently deleted without notice. In this case, no refund is made and the USER will not be able to claim any compensation of some nature that it is. The PUBLISHER cannot be held responsible in case of voluntary or involuntary de-registration of an account.

ARTICLE 8 : End of a world

The various worlds of the GAME are organized for an unlimited duration in the time. The PUBLISHER reserves the faculty, of right, to stop a world, at any time, with a notice of six weeks and without having to justify it. If necessary, the stop of the world will be announced at the address of the game and by email to all the member users. No refund will be made.

ARTICLE 9 : In case of malfunction

The PUBLISHER places at the disposal of the USER the GAME in its existing version. The USER cannot claim in any case to maintain or to restore a determined state of the GAME or to ask for the extension of functions of the GAME. The USER must be aware that the GAME can never reach a level of total perfection. A blocking malfunction of the GAME is therefore only recognized if the playability and use of the GAME is severely and permanently disturbed.

The USER must always document the dysfunctions occurred in the GAME - no matter how severe - and transmit them in written form by specifying as well as possible the error messages which appeared. The USER must assist the PUBLISHER to the best of his ability in order to solve these malfunctions.

The USER is held to inform the PUBLISHER without delay when they discover a dysfunction. The voluntary exploitation of a dysfunction with the aim of advantaging his account or that of another user can entail the blocking of the account without delay, nor notice.

The PUBLISHER does not cover any guarantee in the legal sense.

ARTICLE 10 : Responsibility

The disclosure of passwords is prohibited. The USER is responsible for keeping his password secret. The USER assumes all risks related to the use of his login and password. The GAME declines any responsibility. Besides, the PUBLISHER will never ask the password of the USER.

The GAME is accessible via an Internet browser. It does not require installation of software on the USER's local machine. The GAME cannot be held responsible for any viruses that may infect the USER's computer or any computer equipment as a result of using, accessing, or downloading from the GAME.

The responsibility of the GAME cannot be engaged in case of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable fact of a third party.

ARTICLE 11 : Intellectual Property

The software, games, web pages, scripts, and graphic content on the website are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.

The USER must request prior authorization from the GAME for any reproduction, publication, copy of the various contents. He undertakes to use the contents of the GAME in a strictly private context, any use for commercial and advertising purposes is strictly forbidden. Any total or partial representation of this GAME by some process that it is, without the express authorization of the PUBLISHER would constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by the article L 335-2 and following of the Code of the intellectual property.

ARTICLE 12 : Data collection

The GAME ensures the USER a collection and processing of personal information in compliance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, the USER has the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose his or her personal data. The USER exercises this right:

  • by email to the address contact@empireimmo.com
  • via a contact form

ARTICLE 13 : Cookies

The USER is informed that the GAME uses cookies installed automatically on his Internet browser. Cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the GAME. Some cookies expire at the end of the USER's visit, others remain. By browsing the GAME, the USER accepts them but must give his consent to the use of certain cookies. In the absence of acceptance, the USER is informed that certain functionalities may be refused. The USER may deactivate and delete these cookies using the settings in his or her browser software.

ARTICLE 14 : General Sales Conditions

Here are the General Sales Conditions, also known as GSC.

#1 : Scope of application

These GSC are the only applicable ones and replace all other conditions. The PUBLISHER can be brought to modify some of the provisions of its general conditions, also it is necessary that these are reread by the USER before every order on the GAME. The GAME considers that by validating his order the USER accepts without reserve the present GCS after having read them.

The modification, interruption or termination of the GAME service does not entitle the user to any compensation of any kind.

Minors may purchase any of the products offered by the GAME provided that they have obtained prior written authorization from their legal representatives. A purchase implies obtaining this authorization beforehand. The PUBLISHER reserves the right to ask for the written justification of it, at any time and to proceed to all necessary verifications. Any minor participant who would not be able to provide this justification within 15 days could see his account blocked and will be excluded from the GAME.

#2 : "GOLD" packs

"GOLD" are a virtual currency that can only be used in the GAME. This virtual currency is assigned to the USER's account in a given world and can be used by the USER at any time in the various modes of use provided by the GAME. In case of a permanent termination of the modes of use by the GAME or the end of a world, the "GOLD" that the USER has not yet used will be lost.

Under no circumstances may the USER give, exchange or sell his or her remaining GOLD to a third party. Only the USER who originally purchased his or her GOLD balance has the right to use them.

The GOLD are offered on a pay-per-use basis and the details of the different packs can be consulted directly via the "Shop" page.

#3 : Subscriptions :

Subscriptions entitle the USER to monthly GOLD and a list of exclusive advantages in the GAME. This virtual currency and these advantages are allocated each month, on the anniversary date, to the USER's account on a given world and can be used by the USER at any time in the various modes of use provided by the GAME. In the event of the definitive termination of the modes of use by the GAME or the end of a world, the "GOLD" and the advantages that the USER has not yet used will be lost.

Under no circumstances may the USER give, exchange or sell his or her remaining GOLD and benefits to a third-party user. Only the USER who initially acquired his or her GOLD balance or benefits has the right to use them.

Subscriptions are offered on a monthly basis with a minimum 3-month commitment, and details of the various subscriptions can be viewed directly via the "Shop" menu.

#4 : Order process

For GOLD packs : After logging in to the GAME, the USER must go to the "Shop" page. He chooses the GOLD pack he wants and clicks on "Buy". Once this choice is made, the USER is redirected to the Stripe payment page. The payment on Stripe constitutes an irrevocable acceptance of the order which can only be challenged within the limits provided in these GCS. As soon as the payment is validated, the GOLD pack ordered by the USER is immediately added to his account.

For subscriptions: After logging in to the GAME, the USER must go to the "Shop" page. He then chooses the subscription he wishes and clicks on "Subscribe". Once this choice has been made, the USER is redirected to the Stripe payment and subscription page. Payment and subscription on Stripe constitute irrevocable acceptance of the order, which may only be challenged within the limits set out in these GTC. Upon validation of the first payment, the subscription ordered by the USER is immediately added to his account.

The order implies full and unconditional acceptance by the user of these GSC and the GCU applicable to the GAME.

#5 : Price

The prices are those indicated on the site at the date of the order. They are indicated including all taxes. The sale prices depend on the number of GOLD making up the pack ordered, the payment method used, the country of residence of the USER and range from €1.99 to €99.98. They are indicated in Euros and all taxes included on the GAME. The offers and prices are valid as long as they are visible on the GAME.

#6 : Loyalty offer

When purchasing a GOLD pack, the USER can benefit from free GOLD Bonuses if he/she has already made purchases within the last 30 days. Here are the GOLD Bonus thresholds if the USER has already purchased GOLD in the last 30 days:

  • 5% bonus GOLD when 1 GOLD is purchased
  • 10% bonus GOLD when 500,000 GOLD are purchased
  • 20% bonus GOLD when 2,000,000 GOLD are purchased
  • 30% bonus GOLD when 6,000,000 GOLD are purchased

Only the volume of GOLD purchased is taken into account. GOLD Promo, Gold Bonus or subscriptions are not included in the calculation of thresholds.

#7 : Terms of payment

On the GAME, payment can be made by the following means, depending on the country of residence, the product purchased and the user's choice: Credit card and payment methods offered by the Stripe platform.

#8 : Commitment period

The USER who subscribes to a subscription with a minimum commitment period (hereinafter referred to as the "Commitment Period") undertakes to honour payments for the entire contractual period chosen, i.e. three (3) months from the subscription date.

In the event of non-payment during the Commitment Period, access to the benefits and services associated with the subscription may be temporarily suspended by the PUBLISHER until payment is regularized. The USER will be informed by email or notification in four (4) reminders over two (2) weeks following the non-payment and will have a period of two (2) weeks to proceed with the regularization.

If payment is not made within this period by the USER, the PUBLISHER reserves the right to terminate the subscription for failure to pay. The USER remains liable for the sums due for the entirety of the initial Commitment Term, and undertakes to pay them as soon as possible.

Furthermore, the PUBLISHER reserves the right to definitively suspend access to the benefits and services associated with the subscription, without this giving the USER the right to any indemnity or compensation whatsoever, while retaining access to the platform's freemium features.

#9 : Responsibilities

The present contract is subjected to the French law. The PUBLISHER would not know how to be held for person in charge of the non-fulfilment of the contract concluded on the occasion of fortuitous event or force majeure, in the sense of the article 1148 of the Civil code

The purchase of GOLD is placed under the sole responsibility of the USER. The total or partial impossibility of using the GOLD, notably due to hardware incompatibility, cannot give rise to any compensation, reimbursement or liability on the part of the PUBLISHER. In case of problem during an order, the USER has 30 days from the date of purchase to contact the PUBLISHER. Beyond this delay, the PUBLISHER will not accept any complaint.

#10 : Right of withdrawal

In accordance with article L.121-20 and following of the French Consumer Code, the user has a period of 14 working days from the date on which the GOLD were credited to his account to request a refund. To do so, the USER must send a written request by mail (at the PUBLISHER's head office), specifying his login in the game (his Pseudo), his email address, his complete contact information, the date of his order and the payment method used. The refund request will only be accepted for complete GOLD orders that have not yet been consumed, even partially. After receipt and validation of a request, the GAME undertakes to make the refund within a maximum of 30 days.
